Examples are accounts payable, notes payable, the current portion of long-term debt, and various accrued items such as salaries payable and taxes payable. 应付帐款、应付单据、持久债务确当期分担费用额,以及诸如应付关饷和应付税款等种种应计项目都是流动欠债。
What is the basis of calculation of the estimated salaries tax payable? 估计应缴薪俸税款是怎样计算出来的?
Compute your estimated salaries tax payable to help you make payment plan early; 估计应缴薪俸税税款,助你预早安排交税;
Why the system only computes estimated salaries tax payable but not the estimated property tax or profits tax liabilities? 为甚么只计算估计应缴薪俸税款而不计算估计应缴物业税款或利得税款?
The housing fund paid by individuals is debited into "the" salaries payable "title and credited into" the "other accounts payable" title. 应由个人交纳的住房公积金,借记“应付工资”科目,贷记“其他应交款”科目。
Salaries due to the teaching and administrative staff and their social insurance premiums payable; 应当支付给教职工的工资和应当缴纳的社会保险费用;